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FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

Larger units frequently conceal CAREL's answers. The control systems for air conditioning, refrigeration, and heating, as well as humidification and evaporative cooling systems, are made up of tiny valves, probes, controllers, thermostats, and supervisors. components with a primary function that is fundamental inside a larger system. In reality, the work they do to monitor and manage these systems contributes to overall performance improvement and ensures significant energy savings. 

CAREL enhances the entire system thanks to extensive understanding of various situations and more than 40 years of expertise. Their comprehensive solutions boost effectiveness across the board. Performance is improved not just by items but also by knowledge and professionalism. One of the most effective technologies for HVAC/R applications is a compressor with permanent magnet motors that is controlled by a DC inverter.

This Japanese-developed technology is quickly overtaking competitors in applications for heating and cooling homes. CAREL has been promoting this technology for almost ten years, particularly in the most energy-intensive refrigeration and air-conditioning applications, such as heat pumps, air conditioners for data centers, water chillers, condensing units, and refrigerated exhibits. Not only that, but this "CAREL system" was developed based on extensive lab experiments carried out in partnership with the compressor manufacturers and combines the controllers from the pCO and c.pCO series as well as Electronic Expansion Valves from the ExV family. Dynamic control of the compressor envelope, the region in which proper operation is guaranteed, thereby ensures maximum efficiency and complete dependability. The compressor envelope control is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to thermodynamics, though. Due to CAREL's expertise in this field, this system has also been improved with unique features to safeguard the compressor and optimize the complete refrigeration system. This relates to the brand-new Power Plus "class B" safety software, which enables users to certify their products in line with global safety norms (such UL/EN 60335) without the need for additional parts.

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